My buddy Jack

16 years ago a woman I was dating begged me to take a young puppy from the shelter where she worked. She told the story of how…

Vet Says More Owners Have Been Seeing ‘Red Circles’ On Their Dog’s Stomachs

If you’ve ever noticed angry, red circles on your dog’s stomach, then your first reaction would be to rush them to the vet’s – and rightly so….

10 Foods We Miss That You Won’t Find in Grocery Stores Today

Do you ever look around the grocery for a snack that’s been discontinued for a long time? Yeah, we miss them, too. These discontinued foods had such…

People Are Confused Over This Photo Of A ‘Headless’ Dog

There is a photo making the rounds on the internet that is really throwing people for a loop with the subject matter. At first glance, it looks…

RIP Harambe

On May 28, a three-year-old boy visiting the Zoo climbed under a fence into an outdoor gorilla ladder where he was grabbed and dragged by Gorilla Harambe. …

Girl Falls Asleep In a Tent, She Wakes Up with 100 Ticks on Her Neck

We all want to go camping, and we all desire for the most comfortable ways to sleep on a tent. However sleeping on a tent comes with…

Poor “Buddy” the Fox Pup

As I was driving to work one morning on a very busy road, I noticed an animal on the shoulder of the road that had been hit….

Cruel Person Shoots Homemade Blow Dart Into Cat’s Head

A cat was found in desperate need of help on the streets of Phoenix, Arizona. The black cat was running in fear of the people trying to…

Best Hero Dog Times Two!

One day, I stepped out of the house barefoot and immediately heard it: The deadly buzz of an angry rattler. Instantly, I froze. Desperately I scanned our…

Woman Gives Birth to a Healthy Baby Boy after 16 Years and 18 Miscarriages

Starting a family is the ultimate goal that each and every couple strives to achieve. But, there oftentimes can be some obstacles along the way. That’s what…